Friday, December 9, 2011

They make us work harder!
They provide purpose in life!
Completion gives us a sense of accomplishment!
They dare us to do things that aren't on the normal agenda!
So guess what Kevin got for Christmas! 
 I'll bet you didn't guess this!
Well, Kevin spent a long time doing his homework, deciding on how big, what kind, how much he should spend and decided that, this was it!  When this plane came up for sale, the price was good, the size will get him his license and it will be fun!
 The cute little guy Kevin bought the plane from was living in his hanger with his wife, he was 85 years old and a man of many talents.  You can't see it, but he builds coffins in his spare time.  There is a coffin on the other side of the plane.  And his wife was just as talented.  She had many art projects and they were really good.
 Sorry babe, I don't have to live in a hanger, so therefore, I am not going to live in a hanger!  They did a great job of making it a comfortable home.  There was a bath and two bedrooms upstairs and they were comfy and roomy. The kitchen was all top of the line modern appliances.
Brandon; friend, commercial pilot and instructor, Kevin and Adam.
Adam already has his license, so he can fly any time.
Chase has always wanted to get a license, but it might be a little while before Chase is licensed, he has a heavy school load and that is by his choice. Go Chase Go!  We don't want to interfere with your school work!  So get it done so you can come fly!
And Kevin is ready to begin the process of school and lessons.
Did I mention how Kevin's eyes twinkle and he floats like a little kid who just got a brand new plane!  Adam is also!
So the year of 2012 will be up, up and away! 

1 comment:

Holly said...

How fun!! maybe someday Kevin will take us for a ride.