Sunday, November 9, 2008


Time to go to Christie's family cabin - (Thank you very much, we had a blast again!)
Where we find time to do crafts:

and take time to play air guitar,
is it already time for breakfast.... ?
About Time to finish the bunnies (Good job! This was a 4 year project!)

It's Time to: See how big Rylee ,Brock and Brynlee are getting....

There is no Time to Sleep! (Well a few of us caught a couple of hours, but a few pulled all nighters.....Grandma, our hero!!!!!!
Warning - it's time to:
Privitize the blog. Have you wondered who is reading your blog, I have, or who is downloading your pictures, I have. So today, I have privitized. Soooo-to all our friends and family who read the blog and we know of you. Thank you very much. To those of you reading and we don't know of you. Please send me your email and I will add you to our friends list. (If you are a friend...the stalkers can go away.....)
Have a great week!


Holly said...

I hope that I did this right so I can keep up with you guys during the "Off"season.

Rob and Tiff said...

It looks like you had another fun craft day at the cabin. I think I'm going to follow suit and make my blog private. Love you!